Saturday, 25 June 2016

Nigeria’s Team Humane makes it to Microsoft Imagine Cup World Finals

The journey to the Imagine Cup World Finals started way back in August, when students began
forming their teams at schools all across the globe.
Since then, they have poured their hearts and
souls into their solutions and competed in dozens of National Finals, taking great projects from
just an idea to competition-grade execution.
Following the intense Nigeria National Finals that took place in Lagos and other National Finals in various countries across the globe, more than 150 top teams from the National Finals events went on to the World Semifinals where they were judged by a global panel of MVPs, industry experts and Microsoft staff.
The judges were asked to select only the best, most compelling projects from teams vying to move on to the World Finals, the final stage of the competition.
At the World Finals, the remaining teams will compete to be crowned as the champions in their respective categories and the chance to win $50,000. Then, one team will go on to win the
coveted Imagine Cup and the grand prize, a private mentoring session with Microsoft’s Chief
Executive Officer, Satya Nadella. 35 teams across the globe will bring their unique visions for the
future to Seattle to compete in the Imagine Cup World Finals from July 26 – 29, 2016.

 I give you the World Finalist teams (according to the 3 categories) going to Seattle:

World Citizenship

Yuuy (Country: Singapore ) – Social Robot-Ruth is a Robot designed to assist seniors with medications, appointments and entertainment

Home Guardians (Country: Croatia ) – Juvo Solution is leveraging smart sensors to make
homes safer for children

DermaTrack (Country: Cyprus) –Cloud-powered mobile platform with tools for skin lesion tracking
and melanoma detection

AMANDA (Country: Greece ) – Intelligent ICT-based approach for bullying detection and

MEDCases (Country: Hungary ) – Virtual reality app designed to improve the safe and correct
medical diagnosis of patients

PSYLLOSOFT (Country: Poland ) – MATIA is a mobile device designed to help sight impaired
people navigate their surroundings

BoneyCare (Country: China ) – Cloud-powered app designed to treat speech impairments such as stuttering

VRMotion (Country: Germany) – VRMotion App designed to help stroke patients recover motor

Another Team (Country: Ecuador ) – BrailLearn App that enables sighted and blind people to communicate

Eyeus (Country: Mexico ) – dEYEgnostico App designed to provide medical diagnoses by scanning the human eye

The Humane Team (Country: Nigeria ) – Humane Team App designed to help visually impaired navigate smartphones

Night’s Watch (Country: Tunisia )
– Smart Hand: Prosthetic smart hand for those who have lost one or more limbs

iShoo (Country: Taiwan ) – Asthma Keeper: Wearable spirometer and app for asthma
Visit the link below for more detailed information on the IMAGINE CUP 2016

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